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Our Students

Dewey Students Will:

All students will demonstrate academic growth by:

  • Completing graduation requirements (Credits, Sr. Project)
  • Creating original works of art (written/visual)
  • Speaking, listening, and writing effectively
  • Ability to use information technology and basic computer skills
  • Thinking critically to solve problems

Character ESLRs

All students will demonstrate personal accountability and goals through:

  • High attendance rate
  • The exercise of self-control and behavioral management skills
  • Awareness and appreciation for cultural diversity
  • Helping to create a safe learning community
  • Taking positive risks

Transition ESLRs

All students will become a productive member of society and have a post-secondary plan to include:

  • Lifelong learning through career and college readiness skills
  • Building strong relationships with peers and mentors
  • Collaborative working skills
  • Adapt to rapidly changing conditions (social changes, social awareness)